Friday, November 30, 2012

Gingerbread Sound boxes and other random thoughts

We have been working hard to learn and stretch out those important CVC words.  My kids are doing great at it.  We first count the sounds on our fingers then write them in the boxes.   I made these Gingerbread man sound boxes to use during the winter season. :)

 Cup in a cup
A Great Classroom Management Tool
I have always done can of names.  It helps me call on everyone instead of just having that one dominate student answer every question.  I usually just pick a stick and throw it down.  Then I end up losing some and having to pick them up all the time. Well this summer I went to a conference and the speaker said she used a cup in a cup.  DUH!! That was a total Ah-Ha Moment!!  Well, I love it. I just move the stick out of the cup after I call on them and then move them all back when they are all out of the cup. 

A little Candyland fun!
I found a couple CandyLand games at Goodwill.  However, this time of year you can get them cheap. I picked up one on Black Friday for $4. I wrote all the word wall words that we learn throughout the year and students play like regular CandyLand but they have to read the words that they land on.  I have an ABC, sight words, and number board. 
A fun game students love to play and have fun learning!!

A closer look!

French Fries!
This is another favorite math center! 
I went to Burger King and asked for 20 French fry containers.  Then I cut up yellow sponges. Students count out the correct number of French fries to put in each container. My kids want to get them out during centers and serve them to each other! So cute! Thinkin I need to go get some more and write addition problems on them.


I had to add this cute picture from our Thanksgiving celebration!  We painted vests and made feather headbands.  Then made super yummy turkey snacks!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

December fun!

December Writing

This is a fun writing center that I use for my Daily 5 work on writing center.  I put them in a pocket chart and the kids have fun sitting and writing the words.  :) It's a FREEBIE for you!  YAY!  Just click on December writing below.

I have also made a fun Time to the Hour Gingerbread Man.  I created a matching digital and analog clock game, two cut and glue match worksheets, make a clock with gingerbread man and best of all BINGO!!  There are 20 different game boards that everyone in the whole class can have their own.

This is my newest TPT item. Hope you enjoy it!  Gingerbread-man-Time-to-the-Hour
This week we have been learning about money! 
So we have been watching some Money songs on YouTube.
Here is our favorite!! Watch out it's addictive.  The kids were singing it all day!  I even went home singing it! 
 Another favorite
Enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Liebster Award!!

My first blog award!!  How exciting!!  I was nominated for the Liebster Award 3  times.  Wow!   But, what does the word mean???  After doing a little research, I found that this word means "dearest" in German. I am so thankful for the 3 great ladies that nominated me!!  Thanks ladies!! :0)

What is it?

The Liebster Award is given by bloggers to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. It is to show new bloggers that they are appreciated and to help spread the word about their new blogs.

The Rules:

- You must post 11 random things about yourself.

- Answer the questions that the nominator set for you.

- Create 11 questions for the people you nominate.

- Choose 11 blogs you love (with less than 200 followers) and link them in your post.

- No tag back (but please leave me a comment on this post with the URL to your Liebster post so I can learn more about you!)

11 Random Things About Me!!
1.I never ate cake until my wedding; I used to tell people I was allergic! Weird, I know.
2. I have 3 kids, 3 dogs, a cat, turtle, fish and a husband! That's one busy house!
3. I love the colors pink and brown.
4. I played the clarinet in high school.
5. I was the state and national powerlifting champion in high school.
6. I ran my first half marathon two years ago.
7. I signed up for the WARRIOR dash already; and it's not until JUNE!
8. I have dyed my hair since high school.
9. I played soccer in high school.
10. I am only 5 ft tall and my 8 year old son is almost taller than me.
11. I love diet coke!!

Questions from Kindergarten Faith:

1.  When did you start blogging? In September 2012.
2.  Why did you start blogging? I have followed blogs for years and people have said to me "Why don't you start a blog?" So on our three week fall break, I thought I would try it out!  ADDICTIVE!!

3.  If there was one thing you could share with new teachers what would it be? Smile and laugh at yourself.  Kids might not remember how you taught them the facts but they will remember how you made them feel.  Take time to get to know your kids and where they come from. It's makes a world of difference!! 


4.  What is your favorite thing to do? Blog, play with my kids, go camping!  Jet-skiing


5.  What is your favorite kind of ice-cream? Cookie-dough


6.  Would you rather snow ski or swim in the ocean? ocean!  I love the warm sand in between my toes!!


7.  What is your favorite book? Where the Red Fern Grows..My third grade teacher read it to us and I fell in love with it!


8.  What is the craziest thing a student has ever told you? "Why can't you say "mother f****er?"


9.  What is something you have learned from your students? Never complain about what you don't have because there is always someone who has less than you.  so sad.


10.  Do you have a class pet?  If so, what? :0) No, not allowed in my district. :(


11.  What do you look forward to the most about blogging?Getting to know and learn from other teachers!


  11 questions from Club Kindergarten

1. What's your favorite teaching memory? Watching my kids faces at the zoo every year on our field trip. So many of them have never been there before.  They just love it!!

2. How long have you been teaching? 11 years!
3. Favorite hobbies? blogging, shopping
4. What's something on your bucket list? Take my kids and husband to Disneyland. My husband has never flown in an airplane. 
5. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Disneyland!! or a cruise
6. When did you start blogging? September 2012
7. Favorite book, child or adult? Where the Red Fern Grows
8.Favorite TV show? Bachelor, can't wait to watch in January with Sean!
9. Which holiday do you enjoy the most? Halloween
10. Favorite celebrity?  Channing Tatum, the only reason to watch Magic Mike!!
11. Pinterest or Facebook? Facebook; but I love them both!

Questions from the Constant Kindergartener!

1. What did you want to be when you were little? A teacher; ever since 3rd grade
2. What's your favorite food? Mexican
3. What's your favorite color? pink and brown
4. Why did you start blogging? to share ideas with teacher around the world
5. What's your favorite animal? horse
6. What's the craziest thing a student ever told you? Do you have a mom?
7. What's the best thing about teaching for you? Really getting to see that lightbulb go on.  My kids learn and grow SO much during Kindergarten.  It amazes me how five and six year olds can be bi-lingual!
8. What's the worst thing about teaching for you? Understanding, what my kids are saying.  Sometimes I just don't know what they are telling me because of language barrier.
9. Have you travelled a lot? If yes, where? Nope, we just go camping.  We did to go to Memphis Lakes in Kansas and Lake McConaughy this summer.

10. What is your favorite TV show/movie? Bachelor

11. What's your favorite hobby? shopping
My nominees....
1.The Kindergarten Backpack
2.Kelly and Kim's Kindergarten
3. Kindergarten Cafeteria
4. Mrs Janelle's Kindergarten
5. My Crazy life in Kinder
6. Klassy Kinders
7. I heart my Kinder Kids
8. Kinder Karla
9. Mrs. Jones's class
10. Kick Starting Kindergarten
11. Kinder Kids at Play

Questions for my Nominees
1. Why did you become a teacher?
2. How long have you taught?
3. What are your hobbies?
4. What is your favorite food?
5. What is your favorite subject to teach?
6. What is your favorite learning website for kids to use?
7. When did you start a blog?
8. Why did you start a blog?
9. What are your future goals?
10. What is on your bucket list?
11. If you could go anywhere, where would you go?

Enjoy!  I will look forward to getting to know you! Good luck in your future blogging experiences!
Thanks! Kindergarten Faith, The Constant Kindergartener and Club Kindergarten for the bloggy love! 
It is fun being nominated!! 
Have a great week!




Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What a FuN Week!!

Well, this week was a little different.  I was asked last Friday after school to fill in for the PRINCIPAL!!  I got my administration endorsement a couple years ago so I was excited for this opportunity.  It was fun to see kids in a different way and visit classrooms. I visited 1st grade writing celebrations and 4th grade plays and helped my Kinders with their turkey snacks! I got to hand out excellence tickets, it always makes my day when I can put a smile on a kids face. :)  But next week my Principal is back in the office and I'm back in my classroom. 
I did make some fun little centers this week.  I finished up my Word Building Centers.  This has 3 different centers in one packet.  The first one I took all the word wall words and created beginning sound cards.  Students write or put a letter tile on the box under the picture.  Here is a sample of the cards.
I also created a Mystery code game.  I made a code of students to follow.  Each letter has a different symbol. The students use the code sheet to decode the words.  I made a code card for all 50 sight words that we teach using the Journey curriculum.  I will be adding this to a word work box.
The students love to be detectives and complete these word cards.  It's a favorite second semester.
Linking Letters---I pinned this last month and had just used cards I have had for years.  I decided to remake them and make them for every unit.  You could also just put magnets on the back of these and students could build words on magnet boards. 
This packet also has letter cards to build the words.  These are the cards that I use for linking words together.  I color coded my units so it put 8 words in each group.  This way its not too overwhelming and students work on the words that are learning at that time.  I always tell them they can go back and do the other colors we have already learned after they finish our color we are working on.  This unit is only $3 on TPT.  And everything is on SALE UNTIL SATURDAY in my TPT store! Click here to link to my TPT store. Word Building Activties-Click here

I also created a new packet to help students review and work on these sight words.  I often make a stamping center for my kids.  But they often get done with this so fast. I created a page where students need to Read, Write, Stamp, and Glue.  Students need to take those extra steps to write the words.  Then they have to find the correct word and glue it in the box.  This is just $1 on TPT.  Click Read-Write-Stamp-Glue to go to my TPT store.

And a FREEBIE for you!!  Next week our words are come and me.  Two words that I didn't have in my sight word packet.  I use Fran Kramer from Kindergarten Crayons-Sight Words to Rock Your Room To packet for our sight work pages. But she didn't have any pages for come or me.  I created my own. 
Here they are for in.  In case you teach these two words. Click on the words to get these pages.

Come  me

Hope you find something you can use in your classroom!  Have a great Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I created this word work center.  I used unifix cubes and wrote a letter on each one with a black sharpie.  I write it on all sides of the cube.  Then students link them together to build words.  I have them color the words to match after they build them.  I created these pages to match our units.  If you would like different words to match your curriculum let me know I can make them for you.  :) Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Number hunt

I found an alphabet hunt on pinterest and have been using it with my bingo dabbers.  Since I have kids that need to work on number recognition I made this number hunt.  I will say the number and the dot it with their bingo dabber.  If you don't have one of those dabbers you could always just a highlighter. :) I do this in small group work but you could just give them numbered notecards and have them pick a card and dot it as a center.  :)
                                                                           Number hunt

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Some of my favorite...math stations edition

Math Stations

Here are some of my favorite math stations.  I have four HAVE to Math stations each week that rotate through each table.  After the math stations make it through the table I put them in plastic containers and the students can have free choice when the have to stations is complete.  So students always review and visit past favorites. 

Linking Numbers

I took a number line border that I bought at Dollar Tree and cut it up into pieces by each number.  I made this two ways to do it. In the top picture, students make their own number line.  I hole punched each side of the number card and have students using learning links to make a number line. The bottom picture put a hole punch in the bottom of the card and have the students link the correct number of links to the card.  I have these for numbers 1-10.  A great way to practice numbers!

A Thanksgiving Favorite!

I colored and wrote the number to the middle of the turkey body.  I glued it to a small paper plate. Then hot glued colored feathers to clothespins.  The students just clip the correct number of feathers.
A gobble-gobble good time! LOL!

Number pockets 

I used library pockets to make these.  I just laminated and glued numbers onto popsicle sticks. Then I glue the dot cards to the pockets and laminated.  The students have to count the dots and put the correct number stick into the pocket. 

 Number chain

I just made number strips and then laminated them.  I added velcro to each side of the strip.  The students link the numbers together to make a number chain 0-30. 

Ponytail Patterns

Even though we haven't done patterns in a long time, students still love to do this.  I borrowed some rhythym sticks from the music teacher and bought lots of those little ponytails.  The students make patterns on the sticks with ponytails. :)

Number Dominoes

I used number stars from Sparklebox and then drew a line down the middle with white chalk.  I then used stickers on the other side.  Students count the number of dots and connect them on the rug to make dominoes. They can turn them or connect them in a row. 

Number Tic Tac Toe

This is a super easy way to make your tic tac toe board interchangeable.  I just used thin tape on a magnet cookie sheet to make a tic tac toe board.  I got tiny cute tic tac toe pieces from Staples. I used small stars that I wrote the numbers 0-20 on.  I just picked 9 numbers and set them on the board.  The students play in pairs.  One is X's and one is O's.  The students say the number before they can put their piece down.  Whoever gets 3-in-a-row first is the winner!! 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Roll, Say, Keep Thanksgiving Edition

I created this game because I have some kids that need to work on number recognition 0-20.  I added to 30 to challege those that have mastered to 20.  It's an easy games students can play in partners or small groups.  If you would like to download the game just go to my TPT store.  Have a great day! Lisa

Sunday, November 4, 2012

ABC Flip It!

 I created this fun literacy/word work center. Just print out the pancakes and lay them on the floor face down.  I told my students just to get 10 out at a time or they spend the whole time lay the pancakes out. :) Then the student takes a spatula and turns over a pancake into the frying pan.  They say the letter and sound and write it on the recording sheet.  I made two different recording sheets.  The first one you can laminate and use over and over. A good way to be green. Or have them use the black and white one to turn into you.  I make uppercase and lowercase pancakes.  I also made beginning sound picture pancakes.  And a recording sheet where they color the letter that begins with their picture after they flip it!  SO FUN!  The students beg to do this center.  Just get a spatula and small frying pan from dollar store and you have an easy center kids will LOVE!! 

To purchase this center for yourself.  Simply visit my TPT store at