After reading this chapter I felt validated in myself as a guided reading teacher. I do set up routines really well. The more I teach the slower and more intentional I am in the beginning. I introduce the independent literacy activities in the beginning of the year. I use baskets one for each table. I put simple easy activities like magnetic letters, marker boards, playdoh and books. This gives students some book skills and lets them explore. We do each for 20 minutes and then the next day we switch the baskets. I really works well at the beginning of the year. I like how Jan Richardson suggested pulling each group over to introduce a literacy center. I will definitely do this THIS year. I will be teaching 1st grade and be doing literacy work stations instead of Daily 5. While I am sad to leave Kindergarten and my love of Daily 5; I am embracing the change! After all the only constant thing in life is change. I have been reading Debbie Diller's book
Literacy Work Stations also so that has helped me with work stations.
Anyway, the biggest topic to take away from this chapter is take it SLOW! Help students gain independence. I appreciate how she says to use a time. There is a great online time at it's easy to show through a projector if you have one in your room. There are some fun ones like the man running to the finish line or the bomb with the fuse slowly getting smaller. However, just be cautious they are eye catching and sometimes students will be watching the timer instead of doing their work. I found the egg timer works the best and isn't distracting.
I enjoyed reading this chapter and look forward to more learning with Jan Richardson.
One a side note, I am changing grade levels and want to change my blog. Anyone have any great ideas for a new name? I was thinking Learning with Lisa but that is taken. DARN! I wanted to not make it so grade level specific but catchy, fun and easy to remember. If you have any ideas..... let me know! I'm open!