Friday, January 11, 2013

Fun Friday!

Well, we made it!  First week back!  YEAH!  So today we had some fun in my classroom.  I got out the paint.  Oh they were so good with it. We painted our sight words.  We did rainbow words.  I told them they had to change colors every word.  Let the good times roll!
Here is another  fun "game"  that I got out today.  I made these a couple of years ago and kind of forgot about them.  I made a game for numbers, letters, rhyming, colors and shapes.  Yep!  When I find something the kids like I just make it for everything! 
This is a super easy to make game that you can make for anything.  Go out and buy 2 sets of same flashcards.  You take envelopes and lick them shut on the seal and then glue one set to the outside of the envelope the long way. Laminate.  Then cut off the extra.  When you cut it; you create a pocket.  Students find the answer on the other set of flashcards and slide it inside.  I had a mailbox in my room, so then I have the kids mail it.  So fun!  If you don't have a mailbox you could just put them in a pile or back in the box.  You can make these for addition, subtraction, states and capitals or anything they make flashcards for.  The possibilities are endless.  You can get flashcards cheap at Target Dollar Spot or Dollar Tree. 

ReTELLing Rope

Ever heard of a retelling rope or story snake? It is simply just a long piece of fabric with ribbons tied in different places. I have 4 ribbons so that means four parts the students retell.  They need to tell me the beginning , middle, middle, end.  I want more details so I have two middle people.  The kids retell the story them get up and parts of the story we just read.  They really do a good job of this.  So today I had them practice then I used my Ipad and recorded them retelling the story. They love being movie stars.  :)
Enjoy! Lisa


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