Thursday, January 10, 2013

Snowman Sound Box & Writing Center Freebie

Well, we are back to school and starting to get back into routine.  I had a student move over break and then got a new one on Monday morning.  Oh fun times!
We have been getting back into routines.  We are starting to work on word families.  We have been working hard to make CVC words with our sound boxes.  I have made cute gingerbread man for Christmas.  They are perfect for guided reading.  We do them as a warm up.  We practice stretching out words.  Sometimes I give them the word first and have them write it out and other times I give them the sounds and have them tell me the word.  Either way they are working hard to become great readers.  Here is my brand new off the press snowman sound boxes!! 
Aren't they so cute??
I also created my January Writing Center.  I always have this as a work on writing activity during Daily 5.  The kids love learning the new vocabulary. 

 Click here to grab your FREEBIE from my TPT store. 

OMG!  Have you seen this guy? He goes by Teacher Tipster on You Tube.  Not only is he humorous, he has some great ideas. Here is a little video he made about something he called Phonics Photos.  A great idea to hold kids interest while learning. I'm in the process of making these.  The just of it is that you take pictures of your kids holding the letters of the alphabet.  He did beginning sound chunks since he teaches 1st grade.  I just did all the constants.  I typed them up in 400 size font and copied them on green.  Then I typed up the word chunks (-an,-at,-ig,-op,-ut, etc)  and put them on yellow. I had the kids hold one letter and take a picture. Now I have 31 pictures to go print. Then you just put two kids together and make words or nonsense words. SO FUN!! 
 So excited to go print of photos this week. I know the kids will love them!
 Watch this video from the one and only Teacher Tipster, he explains it with visuals.
 <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Enjoy! Lisa


  1. Thanks for that video. Had seen it before, but forgot all about it. Perfect for reinforcing the word families we have studied.

    Happy New Year.

    Kinderaffe Kindergarten

  2. I just found your blog via Pinterest, and am your newest follower!
    Come visit my Kinder class at:
