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Thursday, December 12, 2013
Guess my Word
Here's a little game we have been playing lately! We have 5 or 6 sight words to learn every week. So to review these we play Guess my Word! I put it under the projector. I write in the blanks as I go through it. Students write what their guess is as we go down the line on their marker boards. Many of them can figure it out before the we get to the end of the sheet. I hope to turn this in to a game they can play in pairs during workstations. FUN! Fun!

Monday, December 9, 2013
Festive Freebie!
Here is a little freebie to get you in the holiday spirit! Assessments are coming up and it's cold outside. So here's a fun way to practice during inside recess. Kids will be busy and working the whole time!! Get it here on TPT!
Have a fun day! Stay warm!
Have a fun day! Stay warm!

Sunday, December 8, 2013
CoMmAs WrItInG cEnTeR
This is a fun new writing center to help students practice putting commas in a series and putting commas in a date. My kids needed some extra practice so I made this. I am going to put the cards around the room and have the students use clipboards as they write the sentences by the matching pictures. I even added a answer key for student to self check or as an easy reference for you to check it quickly. Grab it on TPT now!

Monday, November 18, 2013
Long Vowels and a Spelling Station!
Well, I've been busy just not blogging. I've just been so busy this year. I'm learning a new school, new grade, new curriculum. I feel like I have meetings, meetings, meetings. On top of meetings, I have an after school program, L2 that I run twice a week. CRAZY!
Well, we are beginning long vowels this week. So today I showed my kids the super e song on youtube. THEY LOVED IT!! If you teach CVCe words show this video! It's super cute and the kids love it.
I just finished up my Long Vowel Centers
In this packet there are 3 real/nonsense word sort. These are for long a, i, o. These are great for a pocket chart.
There are 13 puzzles like this. I added velcro to the back of mine and students velcroed them to the mat to create puzzles. The students LOVE this activity.
This is the word-picture sort. The students match the words to the pictures and then sort the nonsense words by vowel. There is a recording sheet to complete with this activity.
Well, we are beginning long vowels this week. So today I showed my kids the super e song on youtube. THEY LOVED IT!! If you teach CVCe words show this video! It's super cute and the kids love it.

In this packet there are 3 real/nonsense word sort. These are for long a, i, o. These are great for a pocket chart.
There are four books like this one. Students make a flip book to change the short vowel word to a long vowel word. They glue the new word under the flap and write the new word.
There are 13 puzzles like this. I added velcro to the back of mine and students velcroed them to the mat to create puzzles. The students LOVE this activity.
This is the word-picture sort. The students match the words to the pictures and then sort the nonsense words by vowel. There is a recording sheet to complete with this activity.
I have also made linking cards. I cut these and laminate them. Then hole punch both sides of the cards. I then use the plastic links to have the students link them together to make words.
Enjoy! I promise I will be back to blogging more!
Monday, October 14, 2013
Things I love!
Sorry, it's been awhile since I have blogged! I have been so busy getting used to the new school and new district. Just when I think I have things figured out, I find out something else that I am missing. Now to start report cards. It's so different than my old school!!!
With guided reading being a big part of our afternoon I needed to stay on track with my time! I need to make sure that I am watching the clock; which I am not the best at. So this summer I got a new Time Tracker from SmileMakers! I LOVE IT!! It is so helpful; not only to me but to the kids. They can see when we are almost over with guided reading groups. They don't need to ask. The colors on the Time Tracker helps the students see how much time we still have! I HIGHLY recommend this product! I has been a much needed addition to my classroom. I'm not sure how I ever taught without it. Head on over to SMILEMAKERS to get yours today! You will love it!
Well, I have been making things to supplement the 1st Grade McGraw Hill Wonders Curriculum. I just made this cute SWAT game for Unit 2. I have a games workstation. They have been playing BANG! I thought I'd change it up a little bit. The kids use pick a card and read it. If they know it they keep it. If they don't it goes back in pile. If they pick a SWAT card all their cards go back in the pile. I also have a shower curtain keyboard so I might pull that out and let them spell with that. Depends on how quiet they can be. It's hard to play some of those games during workstations. They get a little uncontrollable!! SWAT!
With guided reading being a big part of our afternoon I needed to stay on track with my time! I need to make sure that I am watching the clock; which I am not the best at. So this summer I got a new Time Tracker from SmileMakers! I LOVE IT!! It is so helpful; not only to me but to the kids. They can see when we are almost over with guided reading groups. They don't need to ask. The colors on the Time Tracker helps the students see how much time we still have! I HIGHLY recommend this product! I has been a much needed addition to my classroom. I'm not sure how I ever taught without it. Head on over to SMILEMAKERS to get yours today! You will love it!
Well, I have been making things to supplement the 1st Grade McGraw Hill Wonders Curriculum. I just made this cute SWAT game for Unit 2. I have a games workstation. They have been playing BANG! I thought I'd change it up a little bit. The kids use pick a card and read it. If they know it they keep it. If they don't it goes back in pile. If they pick a SWAT card all their cards go back in the pile. I also have a shower curtain keyboard so I might pull that out and let them spell with that. Depends on how quiet they can be. It's hard to play some of those games during workstations. They get a little uncontrollable!! SWAT!
I also took all the Essential Questions from the Curriculum and made them fancy! I got tired of writing them out every week on sentence strips. They are in my TPT store. If you would like to grab a copy just click on the picture.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Writing FREEBIE and my new magnetic words center! LOVE it!
By request.. my writing poster. We use a program with Lucy Calkins mixed in and I like to use this poster with the kids. Download it here for FREE! I print one for each kid and put it in their writing folder for use during the school year.
Click on the picture to get yours now!
One more fun thing to share. I have seen this large magnetic center on Pinterest a couple of times and wanted to make it but didn't have room for it. I found a large wall with nothing on it and went to Wal-Mart. I got a large automotive drip pan and some heavy duty velco. And $20 later I had the magnetic center of my dreams. I seriously LOVE it! The kids do so much better. They are fumbling around with little magnets in a box and the clean up is quick and easy! If you have the room it's worth it!
Click on the picture to get yours now!
One more fun thing to share. I have seen this large magnetic center on Pinterest a couple of times and wanted to make it but didn't have room for it. I found a large wall with nothing on it and went to Wal-Mart. I got a large automotive drip pan and some heavy duty velco. And $20 later I had the magnetic center of my dreams. I seriously LOVE it! The kids do so much better. They are fumbling around with little magnets in a box and the clean up is quick and easy! If you have the room it's worth it!
This works perfect with my Magnets Wonders words center!
If you use 1st grade wonders try it out. It's a years worth of magnet centers!
Click on picture to head to my TPT store and grab your copy!

Friday, August 23, 2013
WHEW! I'm exhausted!
This was our first full week! I'm not sure who is more tired me or the kids. It was exhausting. At home my oldest cut this arm and had to get four stitches, my dog got sick and had to go to vet, and my Kindergartener daughter fell on a clipboard and hurt her chest! My kids are full or DANGER! GEEZ! I think I need to lock them in the house for awhile. Lol
Well, back to school. So I got Workstations up and running this week. I put them in groups of four or five and did four rounds. The first day, Wednesday, was a little shaky but by Friday they were starting to get the hang of reading the work board and understanding how things roll. I'm glad we have one more week for me to walk around and keep things moving. There are some times the kids just need a little motivation to keep going the whole time.
The highlight of work stations was the word wall words stations. Smelly markers, gel pens to write with will make any kid happy! I have a big window by the word wall so I got some window markers. I let the kids write the words on the window after writing them on the paper. THEY LOVED IT!! By far a fav! If you have a window I highly recommend it. Easy Peasy! and the love it!
Here's a pic of a cutie writing.
Well, back to school. So I got Workstations up and running this week. I put them in groups of four or five and did four rounds. The first day, Wednesday, was a little shaky but by Friday they were starting to get the hang of reading the work board and understanding how things roll. I'm glad we have one more week for me to walk around and keep things moving. There are some times the kids just need a little motivation to keep going the whole time.
The highlight of work stations was the word wall words stations. Smelly markers, gel pens to write with will make any kid happy! I have a big window by the word wall so I got some window markers. I let the kids write the words on the window after writing them on the paper. THEY LOVED IT!! By far a fav! If you have a window I highly recommend it. Easy Peasy! and the love it!
Here's a pic of a cutie writing.
Another favorite is the word work. I had the kids making words by rolling dice with beginning letters in one dice and the ending chunks in the other. Then charting them as real or nonsense word.
We got these nice sheet protectors. It makes sliding papers in a breeze. The school just gave each of us 20! What a nice gift! I'm loving them. No more wasting papers and no more laminating!!
Another fun station, I recently made.
Magnetic words. I made a sheet for every unit that we do this year. It'll be so easy to change out. Just change the copy and get to work. Students build the words with magnets and then color them to match. You just have to watch out for the sneaky kid who looks at the letters and just colors them without making the words. Caught one doing that today! He had to make them all and show me before coloring!! Don't think that will happen again. If you use 1st grade Wonders here is the link you can grab your pack and have an easy center for the whole year!
We have been talking about rules and in social studies we were comparing rules from 1860 to rules now. The kids thought it was funny that kids had to wear long sleeve clothes and have their ankles covered at all times.
Anyway we came up with our own rules. So since we are the Coyotes our Principal always says that we HOWL for success. I thought it'd be fun to come up with an acroymn for HOWL to come up with our rules. The kids did surprisingly well. They came up with some good rules. Check out our poster! I'm pretty proud! Fun times!

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